Vickers 130 Series MHT Vane Motor
Posted by Tammy Soper on
The below diagram and chart will show the parts for the unit as well as what your model may need as far as shafts, bearings and so forth for particular motor.

When you put together the cartridge, the vanes that go in the rotor slots, you will need to turn the cartridge a full turn before you put it together with the body. If you don’t it will not align up right.

#1 – Model code, it is high torque, low speed
#2 – Torque per lb. per 100 PSI on differential pressure
#3 – Tells about the shaft …N1 – has no shaft….N2 – has a solid shaft that has a square key
#4 – Tells about the makeup of the unit
#5 – Characteristics – whether it is quiet or low pulsation aspects
If you need more information on these types of vane motors,
Reach out to us at 800-361-0068 I