Sundstrand Series 40 – Trunnion Seal and Cover Change
Posted by Tammy Soper on
These affect M25, M35 and M44 pumps. The seals are now assembled before hand into the trunnion cover. The cover and the seal assemble are part of a service part. But the trunnion cover by itself is not a part of the service parts. The parts that are affected by this change are: trunnion cover assembly, lip seal and trunnion cover and they are interchangeable.
These affect M25, M35 and M44 pumps and variable motors. The change made to the trunnion seal is that the dust lip has been made longer. It gives more room for letting concentric tolerance and lead way to put it in. This seal is interchangeable with the older seal. They do suggest you use the new seal, but you can still get the older seal.
If you have questions about this or need to order parts…we can help you with that. Call us at 800-361-0068 or email us at