C- Neutral zone has zero flow F- max that is allowed on control handle overstroke. The radial setting of control handle to shaft can vary @ 7-1/2 increments. Torque on this is 3-21 lb and it may have detent. Total torque is 150 k=lbs
Look for the number on the orifice plate, the diameter will be in the thousands of an inch. Make sure when you put it in you can see the size and put in place.
Plate orifice put in the control valve pressure override makes sure the speed of the displacement can be changed. You can change it so it does the size of what you need it to be on the vehicle specs. The table tells it going from neutral to full stroke.
MDC is a mechanical servo control valve that has direct feedback. When the lever rotates it puts itself in the control spool, pressurizing on of the two servo pistons that handles the swashplate angle. The rate of the swashplate movement & vehicle acceleration is varied by which setting of the size control orifice. The MDC makes sure to control the spool options. The wide band neutral has various degrees of an 8 degree neutral zone. Most control spools give a 5 degree on neutral zone.
You need any further help with these type controls, call us at 800-361-0068