Denison GoldCup Series – Replenishing Circuit Isolation Plug

Posted by Tammy Soper on

Denison GoldCup Series – Replenishing Circuit Isolation Plug

You only use the isolation plug if you have an external filter circuit. It is very important to understand that unless an external line has been provided to you, Do Not run this unit with the isolation installed. When the external filter circuit is not in use, take out the plug. But when it is installed use the plug underneath the plug in he face of the port block. And tighten it up using 80-120 lbs of torque.
Note of caution: the filter has to have a bypass and bypass indicator, that is four times the usual flow.
Below are charts and diagrams to help understand about the plug.
However, if you need further help call us at 800-361-0068

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